Monday, January 23, 2012

Tom Buchanan

Ugh I can’t believe Daisy is making me go to this party obliviously nothing important happens because if it did then I would have heard about it by now and come over here myself, invited of course. But at least by being here I get to get some info about this Gatsby character. How does he know my Daisy? The woman has too much freedom if you ask me but it doesn’t matter because I’d give all the freedom in the universe to keep a beauty like her.
            Here comes this Gatsby guy again always talking, always so mysterious, that’s something g I really admire about him.
Blah he’s rambling about all the Famous people here so I look around non challantly. There are a lot of actors, actresses ,and directors people that you only get to see in the movies but you always hope you’d run into them by chance in real life. I was absolutely amazed but I couldn’t let it show that would make me seem weak “We don’t go around much in fact I was thinking I don’t know a soul here. Gatsby showed us this beautiful player Blah Blah then he called me the polo player which I wasn’t so I said “oh no, not me” but for some reason throughout the whole night he kept calling me the polo player. I think he was trying to embarrass or or BELITTLE me. Just because he’s rich, handsome, and well spoken doesn’t mean he’s better than me. Doesn’t he know who I am; I am Thomas Buchanan I used to crush people like him back in my college days. I’m not small man I’m a big man I’m the best man, he’s the nobody, he’s the nothing , but me I’m control everything, that’s how it was in college and that’s how it’s going to stay.

1 comment:

  1. Eboni, good job depicting Tom's arrogance & sense of entitlement in the first & last paragraphs. As for being impressed with the celebrities, do you really think Tom cares about their presence? - Mrs. Viano
