Friday, September 23, 2011

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

 Well I guess I have a few things to say about this topic. The first is I think that these people were way to extreme and were blind to the truth about God. I not trying to bash their religion or anything I’m just saying that these people see God as a harsh being that is cruel and vengeful. They feel as though he is someone to be feared and obeyed at all times. I don’t think they see God as many people do. Most people see God as a caring protector. A lot of this sermon contradicts what the bible really teaches. Edwards paints god as angry when the bible states that God is a God of love. I really don’t think that a God of love would hold you over the pit of Hell and watch you drown in it for his own enjoyment. I’m surprised no one in that church noticed that but I can’t blame them, they were thought from birth that God will send you to hell if you don’t obey him so any thought they may have had  that contradicts the teachings of the reverend and the church was wiped out of their heads at a very early age. This reverend reminds me of Parris because in the book Parris also portrays as harsh you can see this when Proctor says “ I have trouble enough without I come 5 miles to hear him preach only of hellfire and bloody damnation.” 

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I am totally right there with you on the whole misinterpretation of God. I mean, the way Edwards was preaching, I feel that he was likening God to the Devil, you know? I said in my post, isn't the church supposed to be the house of God? Shouldn't we be welcomed, comforted? I mean, I sure as heck wouldn't want to go to church wanting forgiveness or something, and I end up having the preacher/minister screaming at me about how much God hates me and always had will hate me. Um. Did I go too far?
