Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chasing Rubies

Chasing Rubies & Left Alone

I really love both of these songs and i loves the artists who make them it took me a while to figure out which one I would do but in the end CHASING RUBIES won the battle. Chasing Rubies is such a good song. It's about a boy who has only known this girl for a short period of time but he likes her a lot and doesn't want to loose her. Unlike other songs with general it isn't cheesy or super generic, like all HarryandAlfie songs its really original. It doesn't have any auto-tune or that ripply thing that makes the person say the same thing over and over again. Its lyrics are really well thought out and understandable my favorite line might be the one where he's starting to wonder about the girl's felling and says "what if she doesn't like me, what I'm being naive"I mean really haven't we all thought this before. The only instrument they use in the song is a guitar which I really like a lot because 1. It looks cool 2. It sounds cool and 3. It gives the song a really genuine, homey feeling. Harry rarely sings solos in their song but he does have an amazing voice and if you really listen hard you can hear the uniqueness of it when he sings back up in Chasing Rubies. I love HarryandAlfie and I love this song, it might me a really good song or I could be blinded by the fact that they are IRISH and Alfie is super duper cute. You decide.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Winter's poem

I don't like you winter
You take away my long days and short shorts and leave me in the dark with heavy coats
You take away my popsicles and freedom and give me bitterness and a jail cell instead
Really winter and you wonder why I don't like you.
Do you want to know the worst thing about you winter?
I mean do you really want to know?
It's not that you slap with your harsh wind when ever I go outside, or that you freeze my bones with just one thought of you.
It's not even that you beat me with your iron fists everyday
It's that no matter how much I scream at you and tell you to leave  you come back EVERY YEAR like clockwork
And every year you outstay your welcome
But boy are you beautiful, what a body you have
Even though you're a dungeon you drop heaven almost everyday
Even though you're cold hearted I swear you can be the nicest thing ever
You let me skate on your glassy eyes
Play in your thick white hair and brush it any way I want it.
You wrap the most beautiful city in your arms and somehow make it magic.
You breathe your cold breath on it and fog it with sweetness
I don't like you Winter.
I love you :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Honestly I don’t blame the kids at Pencey for not liking Holden; he appears to be a terrible person. I don’t see how he even had friends in the first place he always had something bad to say and doesn’t seem very friendly. But that’s the thing he only appears to be a very rude and mean but underneath you can tell that he isn’t. If you actually look at his thought you can that he’s just troubled. And that’s what I think this entire book is about, not about how Holden is this terrible person who doesn’t like anyone. I think it’s about how a boy is dealing with all the changes in his life. We get all upset about him calling people phony all the time we can’t really because I don’t think he even knows the difference anymore. He’s not a bad guy he just has issues. He’s doesn’t know how to move on and face the future so instead he just says it’s not real. He acts like a child we all see that we, we all know but that’s his way of getting through it. Holden’s been depressed for a really long time and he know that he’s not happy anymore, which is why I think we still acts like a kid. Think about it. When were the happiest times of his life? The happiest time was when he was a kid, before his brother Allie died, before D.B moved away, before he had a care in the world. Acting like a kid is his way of being in those times again, this is his way of grieving.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Open Letter To Charles Bokowski

Mr. Bokowski I really enjoyed your poem Dinosauria We. It really describes a lot of the events happening today, which were the same events that happened in your day, history repeated itself yet again. Some people consider you to be a radical or they say your poem is just you being dramatic but I don't. I see you're poem as a glimpse into the future, a glimpse into the past, and a glimpse into human nature. Some of  your ideas are straight forward others are cleverly hidden in metaphors but you always seem to get your point across. One question I have about the poem is, what is "this"? I love that you didn't tell us exactly what "this" is in the poem but I can't help wondering. My imagination keeps running wild with ideas, trying to find something that fits the description you gave, human nature is a thought but honestly the possibilities are endless. This could be anything and thats what I love about the poem, the fact that this could be anything. This could be one thing or 10 things the reader never really knows. Mr.  Bokowski you are a brilliant man with an opinion and I thank you for sharing your opinion with me. Your words have made me and countless others looks at the world in a whole new way, trying to figure out "this".

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

 Well I guess I have a few things to say about this topic. The first is I think that these people were way to extreme and were blind to the truth about God. I not trying to bash their religion or anything I’m just saying that these people see God as a harsh being that is cruel and vengeful. They feel as though he is someone to be feared and obeyed at all times. I don’t think they see God as many people do. Most people see God as a caring protector. A lot of this sermon contradicts what the bible really teaches. Edwards paints god as angry when the bible states that God is a God of love. I really don’t think that a God of love would hold you over the pit of Hell and watch you drown in it for his own enjoyment. I’m surprised no one in that church noticed that but I can’t blame them, they were thought from birth that God will send you to hell if you don’t obey him so any thought they may have had  that contradicts the teachings of the reverend and the church was wiped out of their heads at a very early age. This reverend reminds me of Parris because in the book Parris also portrays as harsh you can see this when Proctor says “ I have trouble enough without I come 5 miles to hear him preach only of hellfire and bloody damnation.” 

Friday, September 16, 2011

What really happens?

 Well usually when someone moves into a new neighborhood or area the reaction of the natives is to either greet the newcomers with open arms or shun them. The reaction is usually based on the persons differences.
  I'm going to get back to the neighborhood example a little later but right now lets focus on what happens when some one moves to a new country or area where they are different compared to natives. In situations like this many times the newcomers just try to fit in and be normal which is perfectly okay( I mean really no one wants to be an outcast). But sometimes no matter how hard that person tries to fit in the natives won't let them, or don't even try to get to know them.
 I think this happens a lot because people in moderns times people are really quick to judge others even though they have problems of their own. For example if a black family(or any other family of a different race) moves into an all Asian neighborhood (or any other non diverse neighborhood) they are not likely to be welcomed. The neighbors would start immediately start judging them based on the color of their skin, their clothes ,the way they talk, etc and come up with an a complete background story without even saying two words to them. They will use stereotypes and think " Dang it why'd they have to pick our neighborhood to ruin." This is another scenario where the rule is "if you are different you are not welcome."
 Yet the natives may not always be the ones doing wrong. Like when Christopher Columbus arrived in America. He had no respect for the natives or their culture his only goal was to enslave the natives and use their resources. This lack of respect for the natives created a major conflict and eventually lead to many deaths.
  I live in an all black neighborhood (well I guess its not all black any more) and a Hispanic family moved in the house next door. I was really surprised because I didn't usually see people of a different race in my neighborhood at all (or any where for that matter, I was a shut in who went to an all black school). These people were very fascinating to me and I was happy to see them there but like I said I'm a shut in and super anti-social so I never spoke to them and when I say never I mean NEVER. But then as time passed I noticed no one talked to them I mean I had an excuse I'm awkward and shy beyond belief but what was everybody else's. I lived in a very social neighborhood but no body was talking to the new family on our block"was it because they were different?" I always wanted to know.
 Its been about 5 or 6 years since they moved in and still no one is talking to them. I'm pretty ashamed to say that I don't even know my next door neighbors name.
Although sometimes new arrivals cause conflicts its obviously natives and new comers can live in harmony. If you don't believe me just walk through Hyde Park and see the proof in the people. :)